Durham County Schools 2022 Bond Program

Murray Massenburg Elementary School
This new community beacon is a direct fusion of the 21st-century learning goals outlined by Durham Public Schools and the uniquely wooded and hilly site. The interwoven relationship between the natural and built environment permeates the project. The school is organized around a central courtyard to maintain a compact footprint, take advantage of the site’s natural topography, and foster a sense of community among students, teachers, and parents. Upon entering the main lobby, students have a direct view into the courtyard and the woods beyond. The compact layout ensures the scale of the building is tailored to the young students, reduces the length of overwhelmingly long hallways, and ensures students maintain a connection to the outdoors. Each turn of the building becomes a visually open learning commons that allows learning to spill beyond the walls of the classroom. A bridge housing the school’s shared programs—media center, art, and music spaces—spans over the east edge of the courtyard and creates the sense of learning in the middle of the woods.

Bethesda Elementary School
Bethesda Elementary’s scope includes an expansion that includes an 11-classroom academic wing addition, with two new pre-K classrooms. The new addition also includes a gym/auditorium and stage addition, a main entry/lobby addition with student services, a new media center, outdoor play courts and classrooms, an expanded dining area and covered outdoor seating and new parking/drop-off improvements. The renovation includes new administration and support space reconfiguration and improvements, full HVAC system replacement, resilient floor and ceiling finish replacement, building envelope repairs, domestic hot water system replacement, restroom renovation and fixtures replacements. There will also be electrical system improvements throughout the school.

Glenn Elementary School
Glenn Elementary’s scope includes a new addition academic wing with 20 classrooms that will include new pre-K and 1-5 classrooms, a gym/auditorium and stage addition, a main entry/lobby with student services, outdoor play courts and classrooms. The addition will also expand the dining and covered outdoor seating, a media center addition and new planting and parking/drop-off improvements. The renovation includes a new entry, administration and support space reconfiguration and improvements, a full HVAC System replacement, resilient floor and ceiling finish replacement, building envelope repairs and domestic hot water system replacement. The renovation will also include restroom renovations and fixtures replacements and electrical system improvements throughout the existing school.

Holt Elementary School
The addition includes a new 8 Classroom academic wing, an administrative suite reconfiguration + renovation, gym + auditorium and main entry/lobby. The addition also includes an outdoor play court, full kitchen renovation + expansion and covered outdoor seating. The renovation will address a full HVAC system replacement, resilient floor and ceiling finish replacement, building envelope repairs, domestic hot water system replacement, restroom renovation and fixtures replacement, electrical system improvements and exterior site improvements.

Club Elementary School
Two classroom additions.